United Nations Convention on Corruption (UNCAC) in El Salvador.

One of our prosecutors has, between 19 to 21 July 2023, served as one of two Maltese reviewing experts on UNCAC in El Salvador, during an evaluation of the country on corruption. Another two reviewing experts hailed from Guyana.  The review was held at the Salvadoran Ministry for Foreign Affairs in San Salvador.

UNCAC is a global treaty adopted by the United Nations in 2003, aimed at combating corruption in various sectors and promoting transparency, accountability, and integrity in public and private institutions.  When a country becomes a party to the UNCAC, it commits to implementing a series of measures to prevent and combat corruption effectively. These measures encompass areas such as criminalization and law enforcement, international cooperation, asset recovery, prevention, and measures to promote transparency and accountability in public administration.

In fact, reviewing experts, also known as “experts from the Conference of States Parties,” are appointed to assess the progress and efforts made by a country in fulfilling its obligations under the UNCAC.  One of their tasks is, inter alia, to examine the domestic laws, regulations, and institutions established by the country to implement the provisions of the UNCAC and to assess whether these measures are adequate and effective in combating corruption.